Welcome to the websites for Amateur Radio Extra class license N8RPH:


This is still a work in progress... stay tuned...

Alinco DR-MD520T code plug files:

Currently contains most Ohio DMR stuff, common Analog Simplex, and Analog repeaters in Montgomery, Miami, and Champaign counties.

CodePlug files for Tom N8ZM Alinco_DJ-MD5T_N8ZM_20230630.rdt Alinco file)
  drmd520_n8zm_20230630.DRMD520 (RT Systems file)
CodePlug files for Rich N8RPH Alinco_DJ-MD5T_N8RPH_20230630.rdt (Alinco file)
  drmd520_n8rph_20230630.DRMD520 (RT Systems file)

Links to other useful DMR related pages:

Alinco DR-MD520T Downloads
Timz Alinco DMR Repeater Codeplug Downloads
N0GSG DMR Contact Manager
RadioID RAW Database Dumps

Last updated 06/30/2023